Honeybee Comb

Beekeeping, Honey Bee and Pollinator Resources

This site is an educational place to find information about Beekeeping, Honey Bees and Pollinators.  Gain a mentor!  Learn what to plant to attract bees and pollinators, and/or to just become conscious about what is happening to our pollinator population.


Speaking & Mentoring

Hi, I'm The Bee Lady

From the very first class that I attended about the Honey bee (apis mellifera), I was hooked!! Then I found out what has been happening to the bees and pollinators. They are steadily decreasing in population. Not just honey bees, but all pollinators. That is the reason for this website. To educate!

Recent Posts

The Bee Lady Blog


It has been another tough year. Catching swarms, teaching, buying more equipment and yes losing some hives. The Spring was very wet. It rained every

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To Hear From You

The Bee Lady

If you would like to schedule one of our programs or get more information on honey bees and pollinators, feel free to contact me. I will respond as soon as possible.

Union County, NC

Recent Blog Posts

BRING ON 2025!!!!

Yes, I am done with 2024!! I am ready for a New Year and many New things to come our way. It has been said


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©2020 The Bee Lady

Webmaster: Bluetera