The spring nectar flow is completed. So many Beekeepers are talking about “DEARTH”
Yes, the Bee get spoiled with so much nectar available, but if you have been planting for you Bees…..they will experience only minimal dearth.
There are SO MANY plants that they Bees can forage on. From January to December, I have forage plants for my Bees. In fact, I am publishing a book soon about this topic. This book will be Edition One. There will have to be a 2nd edition because I keep finding more and more flowers that are beneficial to pollinators.
What is blooming now, you ask? Clover and Buckwheat!!

OH – AND Borage & Milkweed

As I said previously, I have something blooming every month. Next in line to bloom will be Mountain Mint.

There does not have to be dearth in your apiary. You just have to know what the Bees like and forage on.
My Book will tell you what they like. It will be coming out soon.
Until next month…