Might as well….seems like a great time to voice my thoughts. Not only our country, but all of nature and the world is hanging in the balance.

In looking back to 2022 & 2023, I had a pretty good year in the bees. They were swarming and I was building up my apiary. At one time I had 12 hives.

Being the sharing person that I am, I allowed my students to come catch some of the swarms and I sold another swarm to a student for very inexpensive. I do not regret those gifts as I feel that it is all part of the teaching process, but now that I have lost 50% of my bees, I guess that I could have used them.

I scratch my head at every hive that I lose. They look healthy and vibrant in the fall. A hive full of bees that are fed up for winter. Then mid winter I lose another one.

The bees did not get a normal spring flow like other years. The weather in my area was anything but normal or desirable for a Beekeeper! It rained every other day. Nectar cannot collect in the flower if the rain is washing it out.

This starts the bees out, lacking in the beginning of the year. They will not catch up because that spring flow, by me, is extremely important. I have a good amount of forage through summer, but that spring payload can make or break an apiary. I took NO Honey in 2024.

Going forward, I will be getting new bees with new genetics. Finding a beekeeper that sells treatment free bees is difficult. Almost every beekeeper that I know, finds themselves on the treatment merry-go-round.

That is a very big issue. When you give your bees this chemical treatment, it weakens the bees. It makes them dependent on that treatment. It props them up and does not enable them to fight off the pest like they normally would in the wild. If you put this chemical in your hives, the instruction say to wear protective gear so that you do not breath it in. Well, what about the Bees?? You are engulfing their entire home with this nasty chemical. Do you really thing that is a good idea??? REALLY??

Another issue is the manipulation of our weather. Call me what you want, but all those big white streaks in the sky, almost every day, should be concern to all. I watched a video that shows all the tops of the trees dying. I’ve also lost dozens of trees all of a sudden in the last 4-5 years.

If particles from these trails is falling on our trees and killing them, what is it doing to our bees??

We do have some light at the end of the tunnel. Those coming into power now in our judicial system are like a breath of fresh air. Finally we see a bit of common sense in the picture. There will be some shocking things coming out in the near future, but we have a leader that truly Loves this county and Loves We The People. He is building up a team to Make America Great Again!

That is my political tirade. My hopes for the future of our world and country is that the filth and dirt of the past leaders be swept out forever. This will again allow our world and country clean water, air and soil. I believe that is has already started, but there are so many that still have their heads in the sand.

Until next month….February can be a big month in the apiary. Once it starts getting a bit warmer, it is game on in the Beekeeping arena.


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