Delivery of my hives had occurred and I used the cold-ish spring months to paint and decorate the hive. I also used that time to get the hive and bees ready for the transfer of the bees into the new hive.
This Big Mama hive had double deep frames attached together with wire.
I installed a few of these frames in a double boxed hive that I had in my apiary. This way the bees could start working (making wax) on these new frames.
At last Big Mama Sunflower was completed and the hive that was to move in was also strong and healthy.
A friend that I was mentoring came over to help me and took these great pictures…..
Next month we will be talking about making sure that you Bees are ready for winter…….
Yes. I said Winter!!
Bees start thinking about Winter once the Summer Solstice has passed.